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#Hebrew Gliphs
In [33]:
aleph_bet = ['א','ב','ג','ד','ה','ו','ז','ח','ט','י','כ','ך','ל','מ','ם',
cant = ['֑','֒','֓','֔','֕','֖','֗','֘','֙','֚','֛','֜',
vowel = ['ְ','ֱ','ֲ','ֳ','ִ','ֵ','ֶ','ַ','ָ','ֹ','ֺ','ֻ','ּ','ֽ','־','ֿ','ׁ','ׂ','ׄ','ׅ']
shem = 'יהוה'
In [34]:
## Strips vowels and cantelation marks from words
In [35]:
def nonalpha_remover(word):
no_cant_word = ''
for letter in word:
if letter.isalpha() == True:
no_cant_word = no_cant_word + letter
return no_cant_word
In [36]:
## Converts Shem-Havaya to double-yud while preserving cantelation marks
In [37]:
def shem_converter(word):
prefix = ''
if word[0] != aleph_bet[9]:
prefix = prefix + word[0]
if word[1].isalpha() == False:
prefix = prefix + word[1]
if word[2].isalpha() == False:
prefix = prefix + word[2]
no_prefix_word = word[len(prefix):]
if len(prefix) > 0:
yud1 = aleph_bet[9]
yud1 = aleph_bet[9]+vowel[0]
yud2 = aleph_bet[9]+vowel[8]
cant_marks = []
for character in no_prefix_word:
if character in cant:
if len(cant_marks) == 0:
new_shem = prefix + yud1 + yud2
elif len(cant_marks) == 1:
new_shem = prefix + yud1 + yud2 + cant_marks[0]
elif len(cant_marks) == 2:
new_shem = prefix + yud1 + cant_marks[0] + yud2 + cant_marks[1]
return new_shem
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## Creates new paragraph with double-yud in place of Shem Havaya
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def con():
paragraph = input(':טקסט \n')
paragraph = str.replace(paragraph, '־', ' ־ ')
par_list = paragraph.split()
for word in par_list:
index = par_list.index(word)
if shem in nonalpha_remover(word):
double_yud = shem_converter(word)
par_list[index] = double_yud
new_par = ' '.join(par_list)
new_par = str.replace(new_par, ' ־ ','־')
new_par = str.replace(new_par, '׃', '׃ \n')
return(print('\n' + 'טקסט חדש: \n' + new_par))
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## use for texts
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## VaYiqra Chapter 1 sample text
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while True:
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